You can’t do it alone.

by Oct 8, 2020Life

In March 2020 the world we live in hit a nasty speed bump.

And many have been dealing with great loss since; be it the loss of a job, the loss of financial support, the loss of personal freedom or even the loss of a loved one.

For me personally, it has been a combination of a few of the above, including of course,  navigating the grieving process from the loss of my amazing wife Kate, almost 1 year ago.

Processing loss, anxiety and all forms of adversity can be difficult, and for many may seem unsurmountable.

During the months following Kate’s passing there were many days I questioned whether or not I would ever recover.

That being said, and thanks to the years of coaching and training others, the amazing support I’ve received from family and friends and specifically, to the work I’ve done with other coaches, I’m  beginning to find “happy” again.

There are so many forms of adversity and each of us certainly deals differently. The one thing that I know for sure is; you can’t do it alone.

If you or someone you know is struggling and are “stuck”, I highly recommend the following advice (from David Kessler – leading expert in grief and loss) – “take a really deep breath, and take one step forward”.

Look into a mental health provider, psychologist, therapist, wellness mentor or coach. Invest in yourself, for without being truly “good” within you, you are in no position to give your best to anyone else.

It truly starts with you.

The more I live my life from a place of gratitude and self value, the more life gives back to me.


What you focus on you attract!


– Mike White